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Boston Othotic and Prosthetics

Boston Orthotics & Prosthetics Offering Virtual Appointments Through Telehealth

With many patients staying home to avoid the spread of COVID-19, Boston Orthotics & Prosthetics is offering a virtual/remote option for appointments.

Virtual appointments are offered through a system called Telehealth Services. All Boston O&P clinicians are available for Telehealth appointments, but some appointments, such as those that require measuring or fitting a device, must be conducted in person.

There is no additional charge for Telehealth appointments, and appointments can usually be scheduled within a few days.

Telehealth appointments can be conducted through a number of methods depending on the patient’s preferences and access to technology. Options include telephone, FaceTime, Zoom, Google Hangouts, and more.

If an appointment cannot be conducted virtually, an in-person appointment will be scheduled. All patients undergo a telephone screening process before in-person appointments.

For more information on how to set up a virtual appointment with a Boston O&P clinician, click here

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